Nightmare Scare
There are good reasons to fear the night. August Watson is about to kick them in the pants.
Kids getting hurt by a figure in their nightmares might sound like the makings for a bad slasher movie, but for August Watson, Sacramento’s only paranormal detective, it’s a very real case.
He’s heading to the coast for a well-deserved break, but he’s soon gonna wish he’d stayed at home. That could be because his assistant sneakily invited August’s entire family and the two women he is struggling to pick between.
Recovering from injuries sustained solving his last case – something he might have omitted to tell his mom – August figured the dream demon case would be easy to solve.
Not only is it anything but, all too soon he has multiple cases to juggle, and they are coming to him whether he wants them or not.
Flocks of birds attacking people, and a ghostly apparition on the coastal highway prove to be the tip of the iceberg, for lurking in the background, a self-appointed nemesis is pulling the strings.